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Top 5 Reasons Why a Natural Protein Powder is Best

Blends of protein powders are quite new. It's when a powder uses multiple sources of protein from plant-based to animal. There is whey and soy protein mixtures, pea and rice blends—the variations are unlimited with respect to the increasing amount of protein powders on shelves. While many nutritional benefits come from blended protein powders, there are a number of reasons why you want to choose a natural protein powder.

1. Food intolerances and allergies

Intolerances and allergies are different in each person. You might be allergic to just a single thing, or twenty ingredients. What usually triggers food allergies are proteins. So using natural (non-combined) kinds of protein allows for an easier time in finding products that don't cause dietary troubles.

Yogurt Pic

2. Additional medical reasons

Different medical reasons can mean using one kind of protein over the other. For instance, if you've experienced a chronic kidney disease, then you need a dietary protein that is low in minerals like potassium, sodium or phosphorus.

Typically, the majority of dairy proteins aren't beneficial for kidney disease because of the way it's high in those essential minerals. Current studies show that natural proteins may be more favorable for kidney disease as they are shown to reduce traces of protein in the urine and results in less kidney tissue harm.

3. Convenience and control

It’s way easier to supplement ingredients than attempting to remove them out of a recipe. Beginning with “clean” protein supplements (natural, with minimally added ingredients), allows for the convenience and control of combining whatever you might require at a given point in your day.

If you’re preparing a smoothie after your workout then you might think about adding alternative protein recipes or carbs for the most optimal recovery. For your breakfast smoothie, you might consider adding in chia seeds, fresh fruit and a bunch of greens for long-lasting nourishment.

However, if you're just looking for a pure protein boost, maybe protein powder and water fulfil your needs perfectly.

Raw Pixel Milk

4. Flavor or taste

With no added flavoring, these kinds of protein powders have a special intrinsic flavor of their own. Based on your own personal inclinations, you can fancy the flavor of rice protein over pea protein or vice versa.

Pea protein is one that has a soft pea flavor (which shouldn't be mixed up with earthy), on the other hand, a rice protein begets a flatter taste makeup that can be more easily hidden with other things such as berries or bananas.

5. Protein uses

Proteins have distinct roles in food production (e.g. baking) that can be determined by their three-dimensional chemical makeup (looking at the chemistry, it would be the form the amino acid molecules get organized). For instance, egg proteins give the use of leavening with cakes–making the cakes good and spongy.

They have further functions of thickening and emulsification in sauces and custards (along with a lot of other things). Pea protein is more functional than rice protein because it can actually replace eggs in a lot of recipes. Although rice protein may also be used with baking, it won't function the way pea protein does.

Eggs in a Box

• Meet the Author • Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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