Medical Device Startups: 5 Risk Management Essentials

Even when you have created a brilliant and innovative medical device your startup journey is going to be challenging and there will be risks you have to manage along the way before you achieve success. Risk management is continually a hot topic of conversation when it comes to medical device startups. You have to be…

Why Pullulan Capsules are becoming the Preferred Choice for Hard Capsule Manufacturers

Pullulan capsules are becoming increasingly popular with hard capsule manufacturers due to their many advantages. Pullulan is a biopolymer derived from starch that is both vegan-friendly and non-GMO. It is naturally transparent, odourless, and flavourless, making it ideal for encapsulating pharmaceuticals, vitamins, and supplements. Its unique strength and durability make it the preferred choice for…


6 Tips for Maintaining Your Hearing Aids

Anyone who uses hearing aids will tell you that these small pieces of electronic equipment are expensive and need to be handled and maintained with care. These delicate hearing solutions are massively important when it comes to improving your overall quality of life. To save money and stop your life from coming to a standstill,…

Technologies in the Medical Field

Technology is quickly developing. In the medical field, it is no different, with recent developments taking shape incorporated in the treatment of infectious and other life-threatening illnesses. Many scientists have had significant discoveries and inventions in the medical field. Many of the recent advancements need to be used to get to deliver exceptional results to…

Top Ways To Cover The Cost of Medical Devices

Whether you need a cane, wheelchair, standing recliner, or a hospital bed, medical devices for the elderly and disabled are expensive. Acquiring the things you need to enhance your well-being and quality of life can set you back hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Fortunately, there are avenues you can take to reduce or eliminate…


New Mathematical Model Highlights Risk Management Behavior in Cell Populations

Cells in the human body are incredibly numerous and diverse. There is so much we can learn by observing cell behavior. We are still learning new information about the field of cellular medicine every day. One interesting aspect of cell behavior is the way cells handle risk mitigation. Cell populations use diversification to improve their…

5 Ways in which Technology is Shaping the Future of Healthcare

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, healthcare technology – and its importance – has been a real topic of discussion in the last 18 months. The pandemic saw hospitals very nearly overrun at the height of the case toll, which perhaps shined a light on the healthcare technology used and whether it faced up to…

How to Leverage NextGen Healthcare Software for Better Patient Engagement

With the rise of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s imperative to establish proper communication and engagement with patients to ensure the best outcomes. However, patient engagement should start as soon as they interact with your clinic, whether online, in-person, or on the phone, and not later on during their first appointment.


Why It’s So Important for Hospitals to Sterilize Equipment

While the recent pandemic has done a lot to push sterilization to the forefront, this isn’t the first and only major sanitary issue that hospitals across North America have had to face in recent years. Before this, the US and Canadian healthcare systems were dealing with a bacteria called C difficile that was wreaking havoc,…

What Is Die Cutting And How Does It Work For Medical Applications?

Die cutting is a creative pursuit that has served a great and essential purpose in the health industry. Die cutting is a term used in crafting to refer to cutting out shapes in masses. The same shapes with similar dimensions can be produced in large numbers repeatedly without necessarily using scissors, scalpels, craft knives, or…

Tips for Medical Record Keeping to Make Your Professional Life Easier

86% of healthcare mistakes are administrative, making accurate medical record keeping a life-or-death issue. Preventable medical errors are the third most common cause of death in the US, claiming 40,000 lives every year. Medical records include electronic documents, voice recordings, lab results, and anything else that contains a patient’s health information.