What to Expect in a Medication-Assisted Treatment Program

Substance use disorders are a significant public health concern affecting millions worldwide. Addiction is a complex disease that affects both the body and the mind. Fortunately, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs are effective in treating addiction and helping people achieve long-term recovery. In this blog, we’ll explore a medication-assisted treatment program, what to expect during the…

Avoid Revenue Drains and Maximize Reimbursement by Outsourcing your Hospital Billing Services

Managing hospital billing can be a tedious and time-consuming process. Keeping up with the industry is challenging because of the constant changes in rules and codes, as well as the rapid development of new technologies. Even worse, you may be missing out on potential reimbursements due to errors or noncompliance with government regulations. Fortunately, there’s…

Tips on Implementing a Pharmacogenomics Treatment Program at Your Hospital

Treatment of diseases is now advancing to a more personalized approach. Personalized medicine is based on a person’s genetic response to drugs. Genetic data helps doctors and scientists understand the effectiveness and safety of drugs used on patients. The combination of the science of drug treatment and the study of genes and their functions is…

Jericho Share: How Does a Healthcare Sharing Ministry Function, and is it Right for You?

Health Care Sharing Ministries (HCSMs) are a growing trend in the health industry. They’re faith-based organizations that help members share in each other’s medical bills. Jericho Share offers answers to your questions about how a health care sharing ministry works and whether it’s right for you in this blog post.