
New Mathematical Model Highlights Risk Management Behavior in Cell Populations

Cells in the human body are incredibly numerous and diverse. There is so much we can learn by observing cell behavior. We are still learning new information about the field of cellular medicine every day. One interesting aspect of cell behavior is the way cells handle risk mitigation. Cell populations use diversification to improve their…

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The Role of Biomarkers in Immuno Oncology CRO Clinical Trials

Biomarkers or biological markers are molecules which indicate normal or abnormal processes within the body. They are found in blood, urine, stool, other bodily fluids and tissues. In cancer, biomarkers can include substances which are produced by cancer tissues or by other cells which react to cancer in the body. Biomarkers can be helpful in…


4 Medical Advancements for Common Illnesses

In this modern-day and age, it’s easy to take a lot of medical treatments and capabilities for granted, especially now that the world is full of impressive technology. Yet once in history, these medical advancements could only have been dreamed of, and there was once a time when medicine could depend only on human knowledge…

How to Write an Article for Placement in a Medical Journal

Medicine is a sensitive discipline given the integral role it plays in the health of individuals. For this reason, there is greater attention and scrutiny of different medical writings. Editors will reject any manuscripts that they find to have been ill-prepared while at the same time making attempts to enhance the quality of those that…