4 Signs of Depression

4 Signs of Depression: When To Get Help

Depression and anxiety can be closely linked, and together, they are affecting many Americans each year. Statistics from a leading mental health source note that nearly 20 percent of the United States population suffers from anxiety, depression, or both. The symptoms of depression can be subtle and if you have not suffered from it in the past, the problem may be difficult to pinpoint at first. However, there are some signs and symptoms that are recognizable, and knowing what they are and when to get help can help you prevent suicidal thoughts or actions.

4 Signs of Depression Blog Post

1.    Loss of Interest in Hobbies

It is common for some hobbies to fall by the wayside when your life gets busy and you no longer have time to participate in every activity. However, when depression deepens, you may find that your favorite hobby no longer brings you joy. You may be unable to properly focus on it, start new projects but then abandon them, or become frustrated or tire easily.

If you find yourself abandoning your hobbies and pastimes, reach out to your health care provider or primary physician. He or she might be able to connect you with a mental health resource so you can deal with your depression in a healthy way.

2.    Sleeping Too Much

While studies have supported the benefits of napping, going back to bed once you have awakened for the day and sleeping for hours can be a sign you are depressed. Sleeping, along with overeating, can feel like avenues of escape from depression. When you are asleep, you do not have to think about what you are feeling or be afraid of it.

While feeling tired can be caused by other medical issues, try to consider the reason behind your sleeping patterns. If aches and pains are the cause of you returning to your bed, then it is important to have a talk with your doctor so he or she can rule out problems other than chronic depression.

3.    Feelings of Guilt or Worthlessness

Depression can be cruel and push your inner critic into overdrive. Soon, feelings of extreme guilt over past mistakes and feeling unworthy of love or affection can take over. This can be mentally crippling, even if your logical voice tries to tell you the feelings are false. These thoughts can be especially intense if you are a parent because anxiety, which is often paired with depression, can cause you to obsess over your parenting skills and the perceived lack of success may result in more feelings of guilt and sadness.

Because feelings of worthlessness can increase the risk of suicide, it is best to reach out when these feelings first begin. Waiting until they take over every waking moment may only make treating the issue more difficult.

4.    A Lapse in Hygiene

When you do not feel worthy or love or feel like your bed has become more like a nest than a place to sleep, you may stop caring about how you look. You may not feel like showering or changing your clothes. However, since a lack of hygiene can increase cancer risk, especially in the genitalia of either sex, this can be a dangerous symptom of depression.

Seeing a doctor can help you pinpoint whether you are suffering from depression and give you the opportunity to have a cancer screening done to see if any damage is present. Screening experts and medical investors like Harry Stylli are creating new testing systems that may catch cancer while it is still in a treatable stage.

Depression and anxiety exist in a tangle of symptoms that can make you feel drained and hopeless. Knowing how to spot them and when to get help may help you heal faster and give you hope for the future.

Funny Depression Therapy Cartoon

• Meet the Author • Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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