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About Capsule and Tablet Manufacturing

Basic Information About Tablet & Capsule Manufacturing Process

Oral Solid Doses

An oral solid dose drug or medication comes in solid form and is administered through the mouth of the patient. While it may come in granulated or powdered form, OSDs are more commonly seen as tablets and capsules.

Tablets and capsules have become known for the convenience they provide because they can easily be administered to or consumed by the patient. Also, both forms of OSDs have been proven to be effective in dissolution, whether through the digestive tract or other means.

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Working From Home Header

How To Stay Active & Happy When Working From Home

It is important for everybody to stay active, but particularly if you work from home. More and more people are now working from the comfort of their own home instead of traveling into the office each day, and this can bring a host of benefits. Although there are many advantages, it does mean that extra effort needs to go into being active as sitting at a disk all day long can pose a number of health problems including mental health problems, an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. If you work from home all day and are looking to get more active, here are a few great tips.

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Ways of Increasing Medical Efficiency

Ways of Increasing Medical Efficiency

In medicine, there are two rival impulses at play when it comes to patient care. The first is to be efficient – that is to get them seen, treated and sent home as quickly as possible. The second is to spend adequate time with the patient, understanding their medical history and their life’s traumas so that in your rush to get them treated you do not inadvertently overlook something that will, in fact, make them worse. However, these two impulses show that efficiency in medicine is a tricky business; here are some reliable tips to make efficient decisions without putting anyone at risk.

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Looking After Yourself in Later Life

Looking After Yourself in Later Life

Aging may be inevitable, but it doesn’t have to affect the quality of your life if you take good care of yourself when you grow older.The same basic principles of a healthy lifestyle will still apply whatever your age, and with allowances here and there then it’s perfectly possible to be fit and active into very old age. On the one hand, you can’t pretend you’re never going to grow older, but on the other, you have a wealth of resources available to you to keep you youthful for as long as possible.

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How To Reduce Your Risk Of Stroke

How To Reduce Your Risk Of Stroke

A stroke can be devastating, turning an otherwise relatively healthy person into someone who is unable to walk, talk, or even feed themselves. Although many strokes can be minor and don’t result in long-term disabilities, some can be extremely traumatic, and either way, they are disruptive and dangerous. It is important that we do all we can to lower our risk of having a stroke, especially as we get older, and particularly if we have a family history of such events.

Here are some ways to reduce your risk.

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Four Ways to Give Your Mood a Lift

Four Ways to Give Your Mood a Lift

Have you been feeling down of late, wanting to hide away at home every day and not see anyone? If so, and it’s been going on for a while, you may need to review where you’re at in life and whether there are any underlying health problems which you need to get fixed. The important thing is that you recognize there are issues and you do something to address them, so you can look forward to the future, rather than fear it. Here are four ways to give your mood a lift.

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Plastic Pollution Crisis

Plastic Pollution Crisis: Five Things You Can Do to Help and Protect Your Environment

Protecting the environment is something that we all have to play our part with and, because of that, you may be looking to see what you can do in order to reduce the problems that have been arising due to overuse and abuse of different types of products.

Plastic is among the worst products that we’re dealing with. It takes forever for it to biodegrade and, as a result, there’s a ton of it just sitting in landfills. How can we reduce the plastic pollution that we’re trying to deal with? Are there ways to play our part?

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