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Make Your Heart Healthier

What You Can Do to Make Your Heart Healthier

Your heart is more than just a muscle; it is responsible for keeping you alive every second of the day. It also has to work hard, especially when you are exerting yourself. However, if you lack in fitness or you are carrying extra weight, your heart has to work even harder. Together with a bad diet and stress, these elements can cause some serious damage to the organ keeping you alive. Don’t panic; there are ways that you can start to look after your heart and make it healthier.

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Treating Chronic Pain Header

Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is an affliction that affects millions of people worldwide, and it often leads to other health problems such as weight gain and mental illness. In some cases, the causes of chronic pain are clear, for example, cancer patients often endure severe chronic pain caused by the illness from which they are suffering. However, in many cases the causes are unclear or sometimes impossible to determine, and unless a definitive diagnosis can be made treatment strategies may be imprecise. With the burden of chronic pain causing many lost work days and having a substantial economic effect, not to mention the personal suffering it causes, there is a growing interest in finding better diagnostic techniques and treatments for the condition.

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Contraction Stress Test Header

5 Super Important Facts About Contraction Stress Test

Over the course of your pregnancy, you will be undergoing several prenatal tests to check on your baby and ensure that he or she gets the best care. One such test, which is usually given during your third trimester, is the contraction stress test. Also known as an oxytocin challenge test, this prenatal examination is commonly required among pregnant women, although some may not need one.

With all the clinical tests expectant moms usually undergo throughout their pregnancy, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed—that is, if they’re not already. If you’re one of these moms, put yourself at ease by learning more about contraction stress test.

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Restorative Dentistry and Benefits

What Is Restorative Dentistry and How Can It Help Me?

Feeling confident about your smile and your oral health is important. That’s why restorative dentistry is a great path to explore if you or someone you know is feeling unsatisfied with the look and feel of their teeth.

Perhaps you have lost teeth in an accident or as the result of disease. Restorative dentistry and its incorporated procedures can be a positive solution. Read on to learn more about restorative dentistry, some of the common procedures that people get done, and how you might be able to make it work for you.

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Substance Abuse Heart Disease

Does Substance Abuse Cause Cardiovascular Disease?

Heart disease, or, to give it its proper name, cardiovascular disease, is known to be responsible for more deaths than any other condition in the United States, and it has held that dubious honor for more than eight decades. There are several types of cardiovascular disease, and each targets a different part of the cardiovascular system. But, substance abuse disorders have been proven to be a factor in causing all of them.

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How You Can Benefit From a Positive Mindset

How You Can Benefit From a Positive Mindset

Your outlook on life will affect everything that you do. Your mind does, after all, dictate every aspect of your life, meaning a negative mindset can massively impact your daily life whereas a positive mindset can lift your spirits and help you accomplish tasks. Positivity can help reduce stress; it will help you stray from bad habits and even pave the way towards your success. Therefore, you will benefit from entering a mindset that is happy and carefree.

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