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Four Health Issues Emerging During COVID-19

Four Health Issues Emerging During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has devastated public health around the globe since it started in 2020. However, it is not just the virus itself that has become a significant health issue. A number of other health issues have emerged during this time that stem from the pandemic. The pandemic has changed a tremendous amount about life, and these changes have created a range of physical and mental health issues. Many people have avoided going to the doctor due to the threat of COVID-19 and have had appointments and even surgeries canceled.

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How To Lead A Healthier Lifestyle In 2022

How To Lead A Healthier Lifestyle In 2022

Are you looking to make 2022 a healthier year? Many people set themselves health-related New Year’s resolutions, but often these are abandoned before long, which is a shame and could be stopping people from leading a healthier lifestyle. This is why it is important to be realistic when setting goals and to make positive changes that will be easy to maintain. There are a few steps that you can take in 2022 that will help it to be a healthier year for you, which could make a big difference in your life in many ways. Keep reading to find out a few ways to lead a healthier life in 2022.

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How to Live with Invisalign post image

How to Live with Invisalign

You have probably heard of Invisalign before — the revolutionary teeth straightening technique that is quick, painless and “invisible”. Invisalign came about in 1997, and since then, has gone on to become one of the most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry available. Although Invisalign is known for its quick and painless process, that doesn’t mean it won’t change a few things about your day-to-day. In this article, we explain how to live with Invisalign and prepare for your new smile.

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Working in Healthcare While Pursuing a Masters

Working in Healthcare While Pursuing a Masters: 8 Top Tips

As a healthcare worker, you have a lot of responsibilities. Add a master's degree into the mix, and it might feel like you don't have enough time to sleep, eat, shower, or even take a breath. Many people have managed it, though, and come out the other side with an excellent career. If you're a healthcare worker who is also pursuing a master's, use these eight top tips. 

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6 Tips for Maintaining Your Hearing Aids

6 Tips for Maintaining Your Hearing Aids

Anyone who uses hearing aids will tell you that these small pieces of electronic equipment are expensive and need to be handled and maintained with care. These delicate hearing solutions are massively important when it comes to improving your overall quality of life. To save money and stop your life from coming to a standstill, we put together our six top tips for maintaining your hearing aids.

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How Can You Become A Nurse Practitioner?

How Can You Become A Nurse Practitioner?

If you are interested in becoming a medical professional, or you are already working in healthcare and you are looking to further your career, then you should consider becoming a nurse practitioner.

There are a number of compelling reasons to become a nurse practitioner, not least the fact that it is an extremely rewarding job which allows you to strike up a close connection with the patients you help. Furthermore, nurse practitioners command temptingly competitive salaries, along with a consistently high demand from potential employers.

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