High-quality digital marketing is the key to attracting new clients and boosting profits. Health organizations and private medical practices need marketing campaigns as much as flower shops and restaurants do. However, there are certain specifics that need to be considered.

Medical SEO solutions may not be complicated if you know the right approach. Below are a few tips to help you keep your medical website on top of its game and on the first pages of the popular search engines, such as Google or Bing.

6 SEO Tips For Doctors Blog Post

1.  Optimize Your Website from The Start

An excellent website is the main ingredient of your online marketing campaign. Consult an SEO specialist before creating a website. Doing it right from the start can save you time and money.

A healthcare-related website must be as inviting as possible because people are often intimidated by doctors. You should keep the user experience in mind when designing the website.

Pages should load quickly (in under 5 seconds) and navigation must be simple. Users should find what they are looking for virtually immediately. Optimize your content relevant to the search and queries related to your niche.

Consider avoiding intimidating photos of various health conditions. Try to keep the interface as appealing as possible.

2.  Make Sure the Website Is Mobile

More than 50 % of website traffic worldwide is generated by mobile phone users. So if you don’t want to lose potential clients, your website must be adapted to mobile use. These days, the mobile version is becoming more important than the desktop one.

The website design should keep all the browsers and screen sizes in mind. A bad interface is bound to make a user frustrated.

3.  Pay Attention to Local Search

Healthcare services are often oriented at the local target audience. 77% of potential customers use search engines before making an appointment at a healthcare or medical institution. That’s why the website must be optimized for a local search. Your address and telephone number should be readily available on the homepage. Then, you can put your contacts and information on Google Maps.

Any doctor’s office can benefit from signing up for Google My Business. The service is free and can help potential clients find the road to your office. Google My Business allows you to tell the target audience about your practice, mention business hours, and show photos.

4.  Consider Content Marketing

With the appearance of the web, people started practicing self-diagnosis. When they experience symptoms, they run to the Internet to find the reason. This has created a rich field for marketing efforts. Consider creating interesting content about the health conditions your practice is dealing with.

Creating a blog section in which you’ll be discussing health problems which bother people the most can help bring you traffic. You can also consider creating a Q & A section, in which users can ask for advice.

Don’t forget to create doctors’ profiles on your website. People are more likely to go to a doctor they know something about.

5.  Invest in SMM

Proper social media marketing can help boost the popularity of your website. Building channels and accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or LinkedIn allows you to find a target audience, build brand awareness, and bring traffic to your website using links.

6.  Find the Right Keywords

Keyword search is one of the keys to high-quality SEO. In order to achieve excellent site optimization, you need to find the right keywords for higher rankings. One of the best approaches to keyword search is the competition evolution. An important industry-related keyword, which the competitor ranks low for, can help you improve rankings quickly.

Keyword search is not as easy as it seems. There are many tools to help you along the way. However, asking an expert for help usually achieves the best results.

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