It’s an obstacle many men will face every now and again in their lifetime, but when it becomes apparent and reoccurs that’s when you need to think about the options available to you. Of course, we’re talking about erectile dysfunction. It’s something that most people will struggle to talk openly about but because of Lloyd’s Pharmacy and their Online Doctor service – they can first look at their latest infographic before speaking up.

Most people dealing with ED turn to the little blue pill known as Viagra. The pill has been on the market since 1998 and in 2000 was reported to account for a massive 92% of the global market of prescribed ED pills.

Viagra helps inhibiting the enzyme PDE-5, which increases the level of cGMP (the chemical that helps cause an erection) and helps to achieve an erection. Basically, the easiest explanation is that it works by relaxing the relevant muscle cells in the blood vessels of the penis which, in turn, allows more blood to flow. This helps to increase the likelihood of achieving an erection.

Take a look at the infographic below for some more interesting information on how erections occur and the exact science behind ‘rising’ to the occasion. Just remember, for anyone considering Viagra, it is prescription-only so when you see your doctor: be sure to disclose all medical conditions.

How does Viagra Work?


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