How Parents Can Protect Their Children from Neurological Disorders

According to a study recently published in the Pediatrics journal, it was reported that autism rates among children tripled in the New York and New Jersey metropolitan areas from 2000 to 2016. The report mostly highlighted how medical professionals are becoming better at diagnosing autism. However, it also paints a grim picture of how neurological…

Three Incontestable Reasons to Consider a Cataract Surgery

Vision is one of the biggest blessings in our life. It lets you see and appreciate the beauty of life. Of course, no one can imagine their life without this blessing. However, it is unfortunate that vision is one of the blessings that may not be celebrated enough. Cataracts are one of the biggest problems…

Getting Kids to Enjoy Trips to the Dentist

Children often feel anxiety when doing something new, including visiting the dentist. Even if they’ve been before, perhaps they’re nervous about what will happen the next time they go. Kids aren’t the only ones who tend to be apprehensive about visiting the dentist. Read on to learn strategies to make children feel comfortable and even…

Complicated Grief: When the grieving process is more complicated than expected

Grief is a natural and universal response to loss. It is a process that entails many different emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Though often painful, grief can also be a source of strength and growth. For most people, the grieving process follows a fairly predictable pattern. There are, however, some individuals for whom grief is more…