Starting a local medical practice is just the beginning. With a few years under your belt, you can potentially begin to branch out and become an actual clinic. The big difference is that you will be providing more services and treatments than you would typically be able to. It can also increase the revenue you get. However, building a clinic is not as easy as hiring more people and expanding your office space. Here are some tips that should help you out.

Determine your scope
One of the big mistakes that many clinics make the mistake of trying to be everything. They offer all the services possible, and they overextend. A wiser move would be to focus on a couple of specialties. Being a general practitioner will get you a decent number of patients, but concentrating on one or two fields can be more profitable. For example, physical therapists are in high demand, and offering the right equipment can draw in many patients needing help. Pediatrics and obstetrics are also popular.
Hire the right people
Unless you have experience in the fields you plan to offer in your clinic, you'll need to get some experts. Fortunately, connecting with a physician recruiter is easy to find the right people. Work with them to connect and hire the best possible doctors and medical professionals. Doing the final interviews yourself is an excellent idea to ensure you know who you are hiring.
Get the best equipment
Besides people, you also need some excellent equipment and depending on your offering you must focus on getting the latest and the best. For example, you'll want an ultrasound if you offer prenatal care. That is an essential piece of equipment that you shouldn't skimp on. Combine it with proper training, so your staff knows how to use and care for it properly. It will be a good investment in the long run.
Build an online presence
Another part of growing your clinic is marketing it. You need to set up a website so potential patients know you are available. Combine it with a social media presence to connect with likely patients. Work with a good web developer, so your site looks impressive and professional, which attracts patients. Include your contact information so that patients will reach out to you online. You can even have an online appointment scheduler which will help simplify things.
Optimize processes
Finally, it would help if you were looking at your administrative processes. Everything should be smooth and painless for them, starting with admitting a patient to their billing. They are already suffering from medical issues and making it more difficult for them to get treatment will drive them away. If possible, you should go fully digital so patients won't have to mess around with paper and can move through the process quickly.
Final thoughts
A medical clinic can be a boon to a community. Providing the treatments that locals need ensures that everyone is happier and healthier. It can also mean an increase in profits while benefiting the people around you.