Examining the Impact of Diabetes on the American Economy

According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes. The current trends in American diet and lifestyle will only cause this number to grow in the coming years. A recent report released by the CDC states that decreasing the mortality rates related to obesity in America is fast becoming a public health…

Top 6 Reasons North Americans are Flocking to Other Countries for Medical Procedures

Due to improved transportation and communication methods, Americans now have more options than ever before for obtaining quality medical care. While some people prefer to grumble over the state of the U.S. healthcare system, others are being proactive and exploring the opportunities that are available in other countries. From cosmetic surgeries to dental care and…

The UK’s Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases are found all over the world, and people are diagnosed with them every day because there are so many different types of STDs, some of which do not even cause symptoms. But which sexually transmitted diseases are the most common in the United Kingdom, in particular? Keep reading so you can learn…

Database found to be full of errors as FDA Finishes Review of Essure

Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug’s Administration (FDA) finally completed its several month long review regarding whether or not Essure is safe. Essure is considered to be a dangerous contraceptive device but according to the NBC Ney York Reports, a good number of the reports that were filed were mislabeled. The reporter’s occupation should’ve been…

New Research Puts Male Eating Disorders in the Spotlight

It’s no secret that countless myths about health and wellness circulate the Internet. Among these misconceptions is the idea that only women suffer from eating disorders. In fact, new reports indicate that more men are seeking help for addictive dietary habits than ever before. According to research from Monarch Cove Treatment, 10 percent to 15…

5 Trends Currently Shifting the Health Care Landscape

It seems that the healthcare industry is ever undergoing change. From new forms of technology changing how healthcare workers do their job to the way policies affect how healthcare works, there is always some trend having an effect on the healthcare landscape. The following are five health care trends that are currently making their presence…

Information on Wellness Retreat Program in Phuket

Thailand is a small country, yet it is known all over the world for its traditional healing therapies. When I say healing, I am not only referring to the healing of physical ailments. It goes much beyond that. The wellness retreat programs in Thailand will rejuvenate your mind and your soul. Talking about Thailand’s wellness…