Choosing a Wig When You Suffer from Alopecia

Suffering from hair loss can be physically and emotionally draining at any age, but this is particularly true for young women in their 20s and 30s. Whilst your peers are styling their hair and copying the latest celebrity styles, you are choosing wigs and worrying about the social impact of your hair loss. The good news though is that there are ladies wigs to help with alopecia, and modern wig technology is so good that no one will ever have to know you are wearing a hairpiece unless you choose to tell them. So how do you choose a wig when you are suffering from alopecia? Here’s everything you need to know:

Choosing a Wig for Alopecia

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia is a relatively common condition that attacks your hair follicles, causing hair to fall out in clumps. Some alopecia sufferers experience large round bald patches on their heads whilst others experience complete hair loss of both their head and body hair. Alopecia is an autoimmune condition for which there is no cure: some people may find that their hair grows back whilst others will find that their hair loss is permanent. For many alopecia sufferers, the uncertainty surrounding how long their hair loss will last is the most difficult aspect of the condition to process.

Finding the Right Wig

Alopecia can lead to anxiety and a loss of self-confidence, which is why finding the right wig that makes you look and feel good about yourself is so important.

If your alopecia has left you with substantial or complete hair loss then a full wig is likely to be the best choice for you. Full wigs are a great choice for completely replacing your hair, and they can also be specifically made to help you cope with any increased scalp sensitivity that you may experience as a result of your hair loss. If your alopecia has not caused full hair loss then as an alternative you may wish to consider opting for a partial hairpiece instead. Whichever option you choose, choosing to wear a wig is a big step and a very personal experience. The most important thing is to pick a wig that makes you feel comfortable and beautiful: when you feel good, your confidence will shine through.

Feeling Confident When Wearing Your New Wig

Wearing a wig for the first time is a big adjustment, and we appreciate that it might feel a little weird and uncomfortable at first. This is particularly true if the onset of your alopecia has been quite sudden, and you haven’t had much time to get used to the idea of losing your hair and wearing a hairpiece instead.

The best way to approach the process is to view wig wearing as a new and exciting journey: one that should be embraced and enjoyed. If you choose the right wig then you can treat it just like your normal hair: style it, love it, and take pride in it just as you would your own hair.

Don’t panic if your new wig doesn’t feel comfortable at first: alopecia can often lead to scalp sensitivity, which will mean that placing anything on your head will feel unusual and unexpected. If your wig feels uncomfortable then your first step should be to ensure that you have chosen a wig that fits correctly. You might want to consider wearing a wig cap under your wig to help the wig better fit to your head and to limit any scalp sensitivity too. If your alopecia is causing any other symptoms or you still don’t feel that your wig is comfortable then don’t be afraid to return to your doctor and discuss your concerns with them: they may be able to give you additional advice and tips to help you feel comfortable in your new hair.

Picking the Wig that’s Right for You

Finally, when it comes to choosing your new wig, there are many different factors to consider. Many people choose a wig that as closely resembles the texture and colour of their own hair as possible. They hope that by making the transition from natural hair to wig as seamless as possible, people won’t even notice the change. Others prefer to embrace the fun of wig wearing, and use this as an opportunity to experiment with a brand-new hair colour or hairstyle.

Before you choose something completely flamboyant, remember that it’s likely that your wig will take just as much (if not more) maintenance as your own hair. You will need to style it, wash it, and dry it naturally at least once a week: some people choose to wash their wig every other day during the summer months. If you’re time poor then this is certainly something to consider when choosing the type of wig that will best suit your lifestyle.

Funny Penguin Wig Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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